Move 4 A Cure
Move4ACure is our first large fundraiser of the year, and takes place in November in collaboration with McMaster's Faculty of Kinesiology. Formerly known as Shave for a Cure, this event allows participants to enjoy exercise classes, dancing, and other exciting fitness activities to raise money for one of our partner organizations, Campfire Circle.
Campfire Circle, formerly known as Camp Trillium & Camp Ooch is a local, non-profit organization that provides year-round recreational experiences for pediatric cancer patients and their families. Through their programs, Campfire Circle offers opportunities for children of all ages, all free of cost. Their dedication to enhancing the quality of life of these families and helping in the healing process makes Smiling Over Sickness proud to support this organization. We encourage you to visit the Camp Circle website to learn more about their programs!
We would like to express sincere thanks to our dedicated collaborators, generous donors, talented performers, and brave shavees - the event would not have been possible without you :)
Feel free to email us at macsosfundraising@gmail.com for further details!